About Me

A schizophrenic careening through middle age looks at her life in black font.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

That Nerve-Wrecking First Post!

This happens to be me, in my totality (plus a dog). Obviously I collect books, which I keep because I enjoy re-reading those that catch my fancy. This picture was taken in my library, and believe me, that's not the only wall covered in words. My hair is tied back; my feet are bare. I have an extremely severe mental illness, but I look normal enough. Right?

If you take the time to look at the post date, you'll observe that I don't sleep so much. Or maybe you'll come to the conclusion that I am nocturnal. Whichever. Both suit me just fine. I am keeping weird hours not as an experiment, but because I usually have nowhere to be on any given day. That song by Nirvana, "Lithium"? That's me. So I decided to start a blog. I can't promise whether my words will be inspiring, or just downright clumsy in their mini-efforts at meaning.

I also can't reassure you that these words will always make sense to you, or that they will be in any coherent order.

I am hoping against hope that I can lighten the onus of mental illness for someone with this blog. Or maybe I can teach a loved one who deals with the bizarre changes they see in their brother, sister, daughter, husband, friend, or partner just exactly what goes on in the mind of at least one schizophrenic. It may help, and that's all the impetus I need to keep writing.


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