About Me

A schizophrenic careening through middle age looks at her life in black font.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's a good life honey ...

"Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance ...."
Touch my monkey!
Okay, so he's missing the monkey, but I swear I can hear the techno music already!

This is Bryan about to blink, but I know I ruined the effect of the joke by telling you that. Bryan moves in officially on December 1st ... in just a few weeks.  Things have been peaceful.

When in hiatus from drawing portraits, I have been working on my novel. Well, my short story. I've already hinted at the climax of the piece and I'm just 8 pages in. It is a story inspired by my life experience, and my beautiful nephew's imagination. I dedicate it to anyone who dreams in colour.

Home life has been normal and boring, with minimal drama and long pauses of silence. It has been time to take a breath. The past months' frustration has dissipated and dissolved like vapor. Life has been a warm grey and a solid, calming pearl white. The world turns on its axis and forgets about me. 

I like it that way.

1 comment:

  1. Hee! Sprockets! That is hilarious! :)

    Good luck with your novel. I've always wanted to write short fiction but I can never get an idea.

    Happy Day!
