About Me

A schizophrenic careening through middle age looks at her life in black font.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's a good life honey ...

"Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance ...."
Touch my monkey!
Okay, so he's missing the monkey, but I swear I can hear the techno music already!

This is Bryan about to blink, but I know I ruined the effect of the joke by telling you that. Bryan moves in officially on December 1st ... in just a few weeks.  Things have been peaceful.

When in hiatus from drawing portraits, I have been working on my novel. Well, my short story. I've already hinted at the climax of the piece and I'm just 8 pages in. It is a story inspired by my life experience, and my beautiful nephew's imagination. I dedicate it to anyone who dreams in colour.

Home life has been normal and boring, with minimal drama and long pauses of silence. It has been time to take a breath. The past months' frustration has dissipated and dissolved like vapor. Life has been a warm grey and a solid, calming pearl white. The world turns on its axis and forgets about me. 

I like it that way.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


This week I've done nothing but draw and experiment with colours.

pastel, 2011

And a cool friend:
pastel, 2011
I have decided to take my first art class since high school in January, at the local community center. Hopefully there will be lots of inspiration. All this is just an exercise in colours.

Thinking in colour is different than thinking in black and white. It's not just lines and shapes, it's pencil pressure and blending. Understood, I'm not an expert, but I hope to be one day!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Frustrated Much?

coloured pencil experiment 2011

I've been in a weird place lately.
I have neglected everything except my little projects. Somehow, this blog got left by the wayside.
As I was looking over the previous blog posts and journal entries, I noticed the word "frustrated" came up a lot. It's been going on for months. The stars in my mind have gone supernova.
I remember writing here that I couldn't wait to see what would come about when and if all that built up energy came bursting through my hands and eyes.
It has happened.
I started writing a novel.
I was somehow inspired to buy a huge packet of coloured pencils and draw all day. (This above was the first experiment with them. Before you say, "Get back to your life and stop loving on yourself so much," I must explain that the best thing for one to draw is themselves. You are your own best model. You will stay in place as long as you need yourself to, and the angle is always easy to return to after a break.)
I have started a writing/critique group out of various friends, and have been editing and writing and constructively criticizing.
It's been a long road out of dissatisfaction and malaise. But I am feeling better and more awake, more alive.
So this is just a note to let you all know I am still alive and kicking and screaming.
If it awhile between posts, it is only because nothing is happening worth mention.
My life's just not that exciting, folks!