About Me

A schizophrenic careening through middle age looks at her life in black font.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


My Heart, pencil and ink, 2005
My father is scheduled for a procedure this morning. His aortic valve is deteriorating rapidly, and he needs a replacement valve. In my dream last night, all that was needed was a simple cut that involved a pig heart. In my dream, it was over in seconds. In real time, the night and morning have dragged on with lead feet. I slept fitfully and woke up every hour to check the clock. Was it time for his surgery yet?

Today is minor. It's only a cardioangiogram.  They want to check the extent of the damage. The major catastrophe will be when his thoratic surgeon gets off his ... intentions ... and does the hard part: The Replacement. But Dad is in such bad shape, we were afraid they might decide to do the surgery today, based on the results of the angiogram. As far as I know, that is still a possibility. And of course there's always the possibility he'll have a heart attack during one or both surgeries.

Everywhere I go in my head, the psychoses speak of great loss. I get into a delusional state where I lose it all. Everything. Then I cry until there's nothing left of me but a sack of skin and a pervasive sense of worry. When two and two go together, they make a picture that is typical of schizophrenia. Stress breeds psychosis.


UPDATE: Dad did well during his angiogram and is now at home, relaxing. The doctors said he has some time before he needs to schedule his valve replacement, which means Mom will have time to get him to Tuscon, where they have a heart institute. Phew!


  1. Sorry if this is a double post, comment trouble again.

    I am so sorry that you are going through this right now. It is profoundly difficult for someone you love to be ill. I feel for you.

    I am ashamed of my own self absorption and stress over something as simple as Tyoma starting school when you have such big serious things on your plate. I hope the Potato stays well.

    Love you, girl.

  2. Lori, you are doing the best you can with what is in front of you, and I don't begrudge you at all. Sometimes, with such a challenge as a gifted child, self-absorption is perfectly appropriate. I hope Tyoma does well with all the new adventures in front of him!

    In my opinion, people who are leaving the world deserve respect and attention, but for those who are just beginning ... well, their care is the biggest responsibility we (as humans) have. Take care of your Tyomies!!

